On the 26th of June 13.45-16.45 we had a virtual exhibition here of the course Designing real Interactive virtual Experiences 2019-2020. 40 Master, and 2 PDeng, students (including HCID and Interaction Technology) worked in 7 groups to create multimodal interactive experiences.
This year this was related to dealing with Covid 19 and accompanying experiences, either keeping the good things or for instance dealing with the lack of physical change in changes during our day.
The projects are still accessible through their separate project pages via the menu or below. Links for (connecting face-internet-face for) instructions for setting up, downloading, installing, and getting debriefed/discussing with the groups are still mentioned there but of course many are no longer valid.
We welcome you to try their software out, but it on your own risk regarding installing and using the student created software and systems. We are no longer actively involving participants in research, otherwise we would have asked you to look into the information brochure and sign and upload this consent form (QR code include).
The project pages can still be accessed by clicking on the the groups in the menu above, or image and links below:
- StreetARt
- F
- Ocean Hideaway