Monthly Archives: August 2016

Google’s animal realm

HorseWhat a simple question, what does an animal say, don’t we all remember such things? I recently bumped into this feature of Google and that made me quite happy. From the perfect suggestions, the appropriate audio quality, the large buttons, the educational link to a small cartoon picture and the name of the animal: Awesome…






GREAT, the Gait Rehabilitation Floor in national news

The movie on the left is about the some of the games on the floor. The news item itself is off course in Dutch. We got our own GREAT floor from LedGo at the DesignLab now. With it we hope to speed up the process of developing new games for the floor and this recently made it to the national news.

The NOS news item starts at 12m 24 seconds


UTNieuws excerpt:
Hightech looptherapie op videovloer UT en LedGo installeren vloer op 5 april in DesignLab!/2016/4/499120/hightech-looptherapie-op-videovloer


Submitted first draft for thesis

ITPAfter almost five years and being involved in 4 research projects, it was finally time: 100.000+ words of `dazzling brilliance’. It will have 12 Chapters, following an introduction this is spread over four parts:  I) Steering Behavior in Interactive Play Spaces, II) Play for People with Profound Disabilities, III) Play for Gait Rehabilitation, and IV) Conclusion.